Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Penguins, iPhones, and Defense

I have played too much Runescape lately.
Everything seems to relate to the game somehow. I read about ancient giant penguins in Peru and linked them in my mind to the penguins in the game.

These giant penguins sound amazing. Icadyptes salasi lived 36 million years ago, were 5 foot tall, and had beaks one foot long.

Here is a picture of their skull compared to a regular penguin's.

hmm. . . I'd say the would be about a level 70 monster with a good thrust attack.


The new iPhone will be out soon and there is a lot of hype around it. I don't see why people are so excited - it won't do Java so you won't be able to play Runescape on it.


Guthix is displeased that my Magic skill is out of balance with my Ranged skill, so I donned my mystic robes and went to fight some black knights. Jagex keeps the mechanics of their combat system a secret so I thought I'd do some experimentation to see if I could glean anything about what is going on "under the hood". I recorded the results of about 150 swings from the black knight's mighty swords (including zeros). I then wore an amulet of defense and activated the Steel Skin prayer and recorded the results from another 150 swings (I made trips to the monastery nearby to keep my prayer points fresh). Then I looked at the results, did some math, and was surprised.

Wearing the amulet and having the prayer up didn't make much of a difference at all. Without the ammy and prayers, the average black night swing would deliver 0.58 points of damage to me. With the ammy and prayer up, the average swing would deliver 0.55 points of damage to me. That is a difference of only 3 hp for every 100 swings!

Something seems wrong. I have class tonight and can't play, buy I plan on running more experiments Thursday.


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